Thursday, October 18, 2007

God, does grace reach this side of madness?

Cause I know this cant be the great peace we all seek.
oh my heaven, why do you have doors to close?
do you have clouds to stop his voice?
wont you come down from heaven
wont you come down
wont you cut through the clouds
wont you come down
and brother have you found
the great peace that we all seek
you say take a look around,
if theres a god, then he must be asleep

The monks are rising in Burma. Some have damned the soldiers as they beat them, and the soldiers broke down and cried because they honor who they're killing.
Bush met with the Dali Llama; apparently he has the right to meet with the "universal sign of
peace." What audacity.
Ron Paul is the most popular Candide on college campuses. This sudden rise in libertarianism is stemmed by bitterness and distrust in those who have power. This is our generation who has lost hope.
Barack Obama was asked last night why he wasn't wearing his AIDS pin like the rest of the candides. He said he didn't want it to gain him votes. What respect for purity. If hes just another lying politician, hes the best damn liar Ive ever heard.
Venezuelan children are having 'red' forced down their throats. No one will care.
Another raid in Darfur. Have anything to say UN? UN? Hello? Are you there UN?
As China's elections approach, democracy seems even further away.
As our elections approach, democracy seems like a farce.
The leaders of the Muslim faith met with the leaders of the Christian faith in Jerusalem to establish a public sense of peace between the leading monotheist religions of the world.
Switzerland isnt happy... impressive.
The State Fair is making news.

1 comment:

Katie Marie said...

random - but do you want to come with me to Furman on Sat? I'm just going up for the day and you are more than welcome to come along - it'd be a good time to see the school and it looks to be a beautiful weekend! :)