Friday, May 25, 2007

Well... heres one way to start the summer

So... I got a ticket for trespassing today. It was $460.50. Oops. The whole ordeal was quiet humorous until the cop (one of three...) gave us all our tickets. What we thought would be a warning turned out to be the full-fledged guillotine. None the less, I cant help but find the whole thing quite... funny. Perhaps not funny on the level that I'm out for nearly $500 (theoretically. Im going to court to get it lowered... hopefully), more so funny on the level of what a story it makes. And I dont mind the fact that it baffles every single person I tell. Ill let you know tomorrow if I still think its funny after telling my father about it...

Anyway. I've started training at the Wired Bean since I wrote last. I like it a lot there (good thing because Ill be needing the money now). Its a lot to learn but I like it a lot so far. Yippee.

Mmmm. I think Im going to do Sudoku until I fall asleep. Romantic.


Courtney said...

where were you trespassing at?

Becca said...

clay pits...

Rachel said...

ok so i'm here in texas and i had "misplaced" my bible that you made the cover for...needless to say i have missed it for about two months. So last night i walk into one of the other houses and there sitting was my bible. my eyes filled up with tears...seriously it made me soo happy to see it and think of you. I love you becs!