Friday, May 25, 2007

Well... heres one way to start the summer

So... I got a ticket for trespassing today. It was $460.50. Oops. The whole ordeal was quiet humorous until the cop (one of three...) gave us all our tickets. What we thought would be a warning turned out to be the full-fledged guillotine. None the less, I cant help but find the whole thing quite... funny. Perhaps not funny on the level that I'm out for nearly $500 (theoretically. Im going to court to get it lowered... hopefully), more so funny on the level of what a story it makes. And I dont mind the fact that it baffles every single person I tell. Ill let you know tomorrow if I still think its funny after telling my father about it...

Anyway. I've started training at the Wired Bean since I wrote last. I like it a lot there (good thing because Ill be needing the money now). Its a lot to learn but I like it a lot so far. Yippee.

Mmmm. I think Im going to do Sudoku until I fall asleep. Romantic.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Prozac Summer

My brother is home for the summer. I decided early on that I would try to create peace with him. I suspect that has been sustained... like a stain in a new shirt. I passed him coming up the stairs tonight. He was passed out on the couch, arm dangling off the side like some kind of lifeless ligament attached for no clear reason, purposeless. It hung there, smooth like a waterfall falling, dispersing at the bottom, falling, like the twin towers before they hit the bottom. It was grotesque, vulgar, obtrusive. His mouth was cracked open like a child's, but hes nearly 14.

Whenever I ask something of him, to turn down the music, clean up after himself, I have to do it in such a careful way. He is so terribly defensive, a body guard on speed unsure of what he's guarding. If I don't first explain why what I am asking is logical and assure him that by asking him to turn his music down I'm not trying to hurt him, his eyes grow pregnant with anger and then... BAM the explosion (a proper visual representation would be my garage two years ago, if you do recall). I guess "walking on eggshells" is a good cliche for this. I can't say things haven't been better than they were before, I guess in someways they are. There are more drugs and less fights. Well, you win some you lose some. I need to go to school.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

I got a job!

Wednesday, May 9, 2007


Bell ringing cider
Sliding steps slippery wetness
Brick walls
Iron doors, cylinder sounds
Ion mixes, metallic flight
Wooden cracks
Fleshy holes emptied out
The chains of madness
The freedom of weight
Every color pigment; American
The sound of speed
Cold metal
Calloused finger
Buicks on the asphalt
The smell of rubber melting away
When no wheels have turned
No minds have changed
Video-camera shame
Apologies from far away
Morning’s earnest
Stopping late
Fear through the window panes
Fear of life

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Candy-Cane Summer

Written in blue ink all over their bodies
The scraps of fabric left over
Pieces of string dangling from her coat
Its summer and she always wears clothes
Talk from all the boys
That say she isn't really that pretty
Cannibals; teeth gnashing at ears
Happiness; summer fear and short hair
Ear to ear to ear to ear
Truth to hyperbole to myth to lie
Gibberish in the best of forms
Summer heat, swimming at night
Girls gossiping, laughing, chocking
Bellybottons pierced, stomachs hungry
Water splashing; startling engines
Cars driving fast, summer envy
Desperatly sadistic wilderness
Unsure of their existance
Witty, gut-churning sickness
Summer jokes of the misshapen
Music, voices, giggling, screams
Boys and girls, too many at once
Curiosity, deeply vocal, lungs collapsing
It seems so eminent in the summer
Unable to make for the words
Incoherant, mind-altered, nonsense
Trees strung with a candy-cane taste
A selfish existance, allowed only in summer
Unattended children
The possiblily of drowning at their fingertips
Water laced with something sleepy
Nocturnal summers; everyone's dreaming
A thousand pleas at one time
Two ears to hear their millions of cries
Sad chimes of the unfortunate minds
It's summer solace for the danger of moonlight
Boys alone with girls
The pressing of tired mouths; relapse
No more screaming; no more sound
Its wrong, but summer has to be expressed somehow